Aim & Scope

Starting broadcasting in 2018 Tahkik Journal of Critical Editions of Islamic Manuscripts is an international, peer-reviewed and themed journal that launched semi-annually (June-December) published by the Abu Said Hadimi Research Center established by Hacıveyiszade Foundation for Science and Culture in Konya.

The main theme is the preparation of a manuscript for publication in the manner of a critical editions. In other words, it is the projection of a work as penned by the author based on the single or multiple extant copies and editing it for publication. The theme also involves academic essays related to research, cataloging, libraries and literature review concerning manuscripts.

The aim of the Tahkik is the criticism, reinterpretation and publication of the manuscripts integral to the scientific contribution over the history of Islamic sciences. The journal critique prioritizes the texts produced in the scientific heritage of Istanbul and Anatolia.

The main research field of the Tahkik is the Islamic sciences. It incorporates the research and publication in divinity comprising main Islamic sciences, philosophy, theology, Islamic history and arts, as well as history and philosophy. In addition to the critical editions and reviews related to the themes stated above, the articles that present transcription into Latin alphabet (Latinization), intra-language translation, translation of a text, original research articles, review and debate essays are welcome for publication in the Critique. Mainly concentrating on treatises in Islamic sciences, the critical editions of treatises in Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, and Persian will be published in the Tahkik.

Tahkik uses the ISNAD Citation System (İSNAD Atıf Sistemi) in the Turkish section and it is based on the Principles of Critical Editions of ISAM (İSAM Tahkikli Neşir Esasları, İTNES) in Arabic section.