Review Article

Ahmed el-Hamevî’nin Tezhîbü’s-sahîfe bi-nusreti’l-İmâm Ebî Hanîfe Adlı Eserinin Tahkik ve Değerlendirmesi


In the history of Islamic jurisprudence, the grouping expressed as ahl al-ra’y and ahlal-ĥadīth is an important intellectual separation that also forms the basis of juristic schools. As with any difference of opinion, the two parties have defended their own views and tried to refute the views of the other party. However, sometimes one of the parties had adopted the way of making various accusations about the general or symbol names of those who defend the opposite opinion. On the other hand, ahl al-ra’y was not interested enough in writing a biography because they were more engaged in fiqh activities. Whereas ahl al-ĥadīth has been more engaged in collecting and transmitting information about people as a continuation of the jarĥ and ta’dīl (criticism and justification of a transmitter) culture. Consequently, information about past scholars has mostly reached our days through their (i.e. ahl al-ĥadīth) records. Accusations made by ahl al-ĥadīth about the proponents of the ahl al-ra’y have also taken place in the reliable sources of biography, along with other informations. Abū Ĥanīfah, one of the most prominent figures of the ahl al-ra’y, also had been affected by this propaganda, many negative rumors about him were mentioned in famous biographical sources. Ĥanafī scholars, who wanted to prove that those accusations are unfair, had also written many works and created a sort of rejection literature. One of the examples of this literature, which is still mostly in handwriting form, is the work of Aĥmad al-Ĥamawī named Taḏhīb al-śaĥīfah bi-nuśrat al-Imām Abī Ĥanīfah. In this article, which was written to draw attention to the relevant literature through the book of al-Ĥamawī (d. 1098/1687), first of all, information about the author will be given. Then, the introduction and evaluation of the work will be made. Lastly, the ideas defended in the work will be presented to the researchers by conducting an critical edition of the work in the last part.


Islamic Law Ĥanafī Law School Abū Ĥanīfah al-Ĥamawī Taḏhīb al-śaĥīfah.