
Written Copies Of Kitab Al-Nawāzil By Abu Al-Layth Al-Samarqandī: Introduction And Review


In the Hanafi law system, the fiqh clauses and the fiqh rulings which derived from them are primarily based on three major sources, which together comprise the madhab's three legal propositions. These are the works known as zāhir al-riwāya, nādir al-riwāya and wākıāt/nawāzil. Wākıāt works primarily focus on the opinions, proposals, and jurisprudence of jurists (mashayih) who obtained knowledge from the founders of the Hanafi sect or who grew up adhering to sectarian standards and acquiring expertise in this subject as new issues arose. Kitab al-Nawāzil by Abu Al-Layth Al-Samarqandī is the first book to assemble specifically the Belh sheikh's ideas within the context of the literature. Presenting this work to the scientific community by undergoing a scientific and reliable edition critique (verification) will address a significant gap in the field. The first step in performing this inquiry is to obtain and introduce as many copies of the work as possible. In the present article, the copies of Kitab al-Nawāzil in domestic and foreign libraries, whose printed form or information about it can be accessed, will be introduced. A thorough search revealed a total of forty-nine copies. Although thirteen of them are different, they were accidentally cataloged as Kitab al-Nawāzil and nine of them were unavailable for various reasons. Twenty-one of the twenty-seven copies, which were verified to be authentic copies of Kitab al-Nawāzil by Abu Al-Layth Al-Samarqandi, are housed in various libraries around the country, while six are located abroad.


Islamic Law Hanafi Madhhab Wākıāt Nawāzil Samarqandī Kitāb al-Nawāzil Copy