
An Assessment of the Review and Manuscripts of “Sharhu'l-Muqaddimati'l-Cazarī” by Tashkopruzāda as a Recitation Work


Unfortunately, the studies carried out in the name of Qur’anic science (qıraat) in various Is-lamic geographies and especially in the Turkish-Islamic world have a stagnant appearance since the 18thcentury. Recitation science of Theology academy but is a separate debate my long evolution in Turkey interms of on the scientific Qıraat can evaluate the balance of the Ottoman scientific tradition many man-uscript work of an abandoned way in, unfortunately, the history of the dusty shelves will take him days to float awaits its researchers. In this study, the importance of the author, the work, the annotation and the annotation, the qualitative and quantitative introduction of 33 manuscripts in the various libraries of the identified Anatolia and annotation, in order to reveal this interpretation of Tashköprizāde, which is deemed important in terms of the science of Qur’an, and the source of subsequent studies. Generalinformation about the work done on it will be given. This manuscript, which we consider important interms of investigation, will be evaluated in all aspects and its position in the literature will be discussed.


Ibnü’l-Cezerī al-Mukaddimetu’l-Cezeriyye Tashköprizāde Serhu’l-Mukaddimeti’l-Cezeri- yye qıraat