The surah al-Fātiha has a special significance within one hundred and fourteen surahsin the Qurǿān. To be read in all prayers is one of its features. The correct reading of the surah of Fâtiha is necessary for the prayer to be valid. For this reason, various books have been writtenfor people to read the surah of Fātiha correctly. One of them is the book named Ķavā'id-iQırā'at-ı Fātiĥa-i Şerīf, written by Küçük Ĥāfıž b. Muĥammed es-Selānikī. We could not find anyinformation about the author of the work. In this study, we aimed to present this book, which isa manuscript, to the benefit of today’s people by writing and simplifing it with the transcription alphabet.