This article consists of critical edition and translation of the work named Risāla ghāyat altahqīq fī ‘adam jawāz al-talfīq fī al-taqlīd by Burhānuddīn Ibrāhim b. Husain b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Bīrī (d. 1099/1688), who was a Hanafī faqih lived in Mecca during the 17th century Ottoman period. The author known as Pīrīzāda has witnessed the period of seven Ottoman sultans. Living in a period when the stability system deteriorated and the primogeniture management system began, Pīrīzāda was also negatively affected by the negativity of that period and was dismissed from the Mecca masquerade in 1672. From this point of view, it is understood that Pīrīzāda is a competent jurist. His booklet, described, critiqued and translated in this article, also addresses a problem in his age and still continues today. As made clear in the introduction of the work, it has been stated that when the researches on the talfīq in taqlīd were on the increase, he wrote aforementioned work to show that it is not permissible according to the Hanafī sect and for the removal of uncertainty and confusion in this matter. The booklet in question was also wrotten as a disclaimer to Molla Farruh, who said “talfīq in taqlīd is permissible where nass is absent” and was appreciated by many scholars of the day.